Thursday, January 6, 2011

Things I am not

I am not a good manager of things...time, money, emotions. It is just not a skill I picked up as I grew. I don't know why. It made me very adaptable in my 20s and 30s but I find it grossly annoying now that I am 40 and a mother and wife and have so precious little time that is mine. I am not complaining about the time thing. I would choose no other life. I am just saying that if I were a better manager of time, I might be able to squeeze in some extra stuff for myself, or my spouse or my kids and maybe be a little less overwhelmed with the daily ins and outs of life. Really...I have 2 kids...not a herd. And they are great kids. They follow the rules, more or less...maybe too much. I should be a little more relaxed. (I need to teach them a little naughty so they do not grow up too uptight. Although...I do giggle with them about bodily functions...) I need to figure out how to embrace schedules and use them to my advantage. I need to find a middle ground and not jump off the deep end so often. I need balance. Maybe I need to go back to yoga...but then that is another thing to throw into my schedule and another thing that is taking my day. My poor kid. Maybe they will use this to be the opposite of me and be very good time managers and on time people. I can hope.

1 comment:

Sarah said...

Let me help you by saying that I am apparently a brilliant time manager and it doesn't make ONE BIT OF DIFFERENCE. I still can't get it all done. Getting organized is like buying a brand-new, ginormous house with tons of storage space; eventually every square inch is full, no matter how hard you try to keep things neat. Stuff expands to fill all available space. I think you do an awesome job as a mom/wife/financier/everything. Love and hugs!