Friday, January 7, 2011


Welcome to the world of Buzz Boy, the albuterol monkey. Poor kid. He is wired! I hate giving him that stuff. I always hated giving it to Kennedy too. I really hate it after having to be on it myself last year. But breathing is good and we need to do it. The boy did really well tonight despite his shaking and wiredness. I was really proud of him. He was sweet too. Loving and kind with a little bit of impish wicked. I loved it. I was trying to sing him to sleep but could not stop laughing at him. He is a funny guy. No more blood...YEA! I NEVER want to see that again. Tell me it is fine all you ain't! It is like when the girl had surgery on her nose last year and when we were sinus rinsing her we dislodged a clot and she bled like she was dying and the sink looked like the shower scene from can tell me it's fine and you can even go so far as to call it "normal" and I can know that in my intelligent brain...but my heart is never going to buy it. My babies are to be protected and blood does not look protected. He is coughing more tonight, but the albuterol does make it sound better. Poor kid. He is going to get into a lot of trouble tomorrow and for once, when he says, "I just can't help it"...he will be telling the truth.

1 comment:

Sarah said...

LOL I'm glad albuterol doesn't do that to my kiddos. I'd love to see it once, though. Just to say I have. Glad he's doing better!