Sunday, January 30, 2011

Yeah...I didn't post for a while...again

I am never going to be consistent with this...let's face it and move on.

We are doing a fast of sorts. I say "we" but really the hubs is doing it and I am pretending to do it while he is home. Okay...I am mostly doing it too. "Mostly?" you may ask...yeah...a) I am not over weight and 2) I do not like these kinds of things...3) I like wine. ;) I have to say...I AM STARVING!! We are eating things that grow from the Earth...fruits, veggies, whole leavened flavor. I am grumpy...not gonna lie. I like coffee and sugar and cheese. Big belly is the size of half way through my 2nd trimester with the boy...and I am quite certain it is all air. It isn't pretty over here.

On other fronts...we went to church for the 3rd week in a row. Not gonna lie...I love it. The best part...the kids are still excited to go. Andrew asks when we get to go to church again and this week was excited to wear his new church clothes. Yeah...we went 2 weeks in a row and were out of things to wear. It had been a while. I LOVE that my kids love church now and they LOVE to read from their Bibles. They get really sad when I say, "No, it is late...we have to go to bed now." because they want more Bible stories. I won't lie...I feel guilty when I make them go to bed wanting is THE BIBLE...and they WANT it...I have to start bed time earlier so we can read more. The Bible is hard to read with kids! Have you noticed? These are not always kid friendly stories! It is a violent book! Maybe they love it because it is the most violent thing I read them. LOL! I love that they love it. They both have a true and deep love of the Lord. I am so grateful and hope I can keep this going for them. Their lives will be so much fuller if they get this early.

I am going to bed now...otherwise...I am going to eat sugar straight from the sugar shaker. I miss it...I need it...I am hungry.

1 comment:

Sarah said...

At least they're paying attention! My mom tried to force-feed me the ENTIRE Bible, and I tuned out most of it... it was only when I was about 19 that I realized they had nailed a woman's head to the ground. Don't recall that story. And now I wonder if my mom only read us the boring bits. If so, it totally backfired. Enjoy the history that goes with the stories! And, um, might wanna pick up some Bean-O before the storm hits... good luck.