Thursday, January 6, 2011

Mario...the little bast (ehem)...plumber

Okay...I have problems...2...Mario and Luigi. I like a variety of their games, but I am not a great gamer...I am 40, cut me some slack. (and I was already a Teen when they first came out) I cannot get enough of these little guys. My son is OBSESSED with them. For Christmas my MIL got me Super Mario Brothers Galaxy. The kids love to watch me play it...I may have to take a Valium or put a stop to the watching me. I am NOT setting a good example. I am a screaming loon. IT IS A GAME! I say it to my kids, I say it to myself, but I do not listen to me any better than they do. I get particularly frustrated when Mario is swimming under water. When the game decides, it changes the camera angle which changes the direction I am swimming...usually just when I have finally gotten control of the little guy. It is crazy...I get it. But I may have mentioned before that I am a poor manager of emotions too. I yell at is psychotic. I am working on it. But at least I am letting off some steam...right? I have caught my kids doing it now...I MUST stop and model better gaming behavior. We have so many things in life to get upset about...falling into a black hole with a game character after countless attempts to get to the top of a tower should not be one of them. Maybe I should give myself a time out.

1 comment:

Sarah said...

ROFLMAO! Adam is the worst I have ever seen. He actually thinks the games are out to get him and will start cussing a blue streak at the TV before I throw something at him to knock him back to reality. *AFTER* the kids go to bed, this trait cracks me up.