Sunday, December 12, 2010


I LOVE this time of year. My Grandma instilled a love of Christmas in me very early on. I get pangs of sorrow every year, but it is still my favorite. I miss her. This year is so great. My kids are a little older and they really seem to get it...the true meaning of Christmas. I love that. A lot of adults don't get it and my 6 and 4 year old seem to. I love watching my daughter struggle because she is DYING to give her brother his gift because she knows that he will LOVE it. (And he will...she knows him!) I love watching my son struggle with wanting to buy his sister everything he sees because he loves her so much. I love that we spent over an hour this morning reading Bible stories by the fire with the tree lights on. One of my favorite things this year...I LOVE the sound of my son singing Christmas carols to me. He is still small enough to have just a bit of a speech impediment and the sound of him singing is so, so precious. The other day, on the way to his school, he said to me, "Mommy, I know that Jesus loves us and that He died so we could live." And I believe that he does know that. It brought me to tears and warmed me to my soul. For a family that does not make it to church hardly kids know God. I do not believe that it is anything I have done. I believe fully that they were born with this love and knowledge...I just did not squash it. We pray, we talk about God, but they know things beyond what we have discussed. It is cool...and creepy. I feel extra blessed to have these amazing creatures who are so spiritual.

We just had a "tea party" with hot chocolate, marshmallows, whipped cream with Christmas sprinkles, little Christmas cookies and a candy cane for was fun. We watched Year Without a Santa Claus...I love this time of year. I have to keep this short though...Kennedy wants one more Bible story and we have GOT to get to the toothbrushes!

"Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good night!"

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