Monday, November 15, 2010

Yea for small play dates

So, Mr. Negativity and I were signed up to go to a play date this morning. He naturally bucked the idea and went into a full on negative spiral where the whole world was evil and out to get him and cause him misery. I made him go. We...I said we would be there...we were going. I have been letting him be a hermit too much lately. The weather will allow it, or demand it again all too soon. We got there and he was on my like a conjoined twin, but I was prepared for this and just sat down and wore him like a Snuggie. The sounds of the 3 other boys his age was intriguing. It finally got to him and, because I did not push this time, he elected to go investigate the sounds of fun. AND HE PLAYED...for a long time...and mostly happily. It was glorious! It was supposed to be a good sized crowed, but there were several last minute cancellations. While I was sad for the sweet hostess...I was GIDDY for us. It was EXACTLY what the wee boy needed. We were there until 12:30pm when I looked at the clock, gasped at the time and ran away. I never dreamed we would be there for 2 and a half hours! I was hoping for at least an hour and would have been shocked with an hour and a half...but TWO AND A HALF HOURS?! I never dreamed it possible. It was perfect. Enough kids to constitute a crowd, but few enough to not set off sensory and anxiety issues. The wee boy was proud of himself and happy that he had had a great time and I am proud of him. He gave it a chance and had fun. It was a great morning. And...his Daddy is coming home early so that he does not have to go to Girl Scouts this afternoon. Life is good in Bubbaland today.

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