Tuesday, November 9, 2010

2 days in a row

Wow...look at me go! LOL! I really should be getting the kids and myself ready for the day...but what ever.

The time has changed again. I like THIS one. I get to sleep in a little and yet still get up early. It is glorious for a non morning person like myself. I try not to let negativity steal this joy by already dreading the "Spring Forward" because that one nearly kills me every year. Even the verbiage is great..."Fall back". Like the old Nestea plunge. Just let go and "fall back" into bed. Where "Spring forward" it so bold and active. But while I enjoy falling, the entire daylight savings time drives me batty. We are not, predominately farmers anymore. Leave the dang clock alone. Babies and children do not get the concept and it messes with much needed routine. We need the daylight at the end of the day...that is when we play. But enough about DST. I am sure you all have your feelings on it as well and are likely discussing it in your own lives.

I will now attempt to put a photo on my Blog...I need a drum roll here...no really...I do not think you are grasping the depth of my technological inferiority...

Yeah...I don't think it took. I am now off to wrangle the children into school worthy attire, pack lunches and fill little bellies with oatmeal...and make my wee boy cry because it is now a school day. Have a great one!

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