Thursday, September 22, 2011

Special kids

The world is hard for all of us. It is even more difficult for some. It was hard for a long time for me...and still is at times and concerning certain things. This is life. It is hard to know that I cannot always fix everything for my babies. It was very, very evident this week during an event that really deserves its own post and I hope to post about it soon. I am too tired to go there tonight and honestly...with a whopping 7 are aware of the monkey fiasco. I will be laughing about it soon...but I am not there yet.

My kids are not "special needs"kids...but they are special kids with needs. I do have to do things that are a little out of the norm to be sure that they are okay. I do get looks and comments from people that do not know us well. I AM preparing my children for the real world...I just have to ease them into certain parts of it a little more gently. I do not expect the world to do this for them...but I am doing all that I can to be sure they can do it for themselves WHEN THEY ARE NOT SMALL CHILDREN. We ALL do the best we can with what we have, what we know and what we feel. To the casual observer I seem over the top in my involvement with my They are children...aren't I SUPPOSED to be involved? Is it bad that I LIKE being with them? Is it bad that I do not want to dump them on others for as many hours as possible? Yes, I need to get away some days for short periods. I am human, but is it wrong that I miss them and want them at home? Couldn't it be that society is wrong? They are tender and sensitive and young. Why are others so eager for me to make them tiny, jaded adults? Why can't they be kids while they are kids?! I dress them like children because they are children...though this is getting really difficult to do. I am appalled by the choices available for my 7 and 5 year olds! I am preaching to the choir here, I am sure, as the few people reading this are like minded people who believe in meeting the needs of their children, what ever those needs may be...but it gets hard sometimes. I look crazy to strangers. I AM crazy, but not for the reasons they think. My kids are great. They are funny and smart and so, so giving that I worry about them at times. :) They are special and they have needs...and I will keep doing all that I can to meet them...I am their mommy and I like it. I will cushion the blows that I can and pick up the pieces when I cannot. I will shield them from the ugliness in the world while arming them against it. I will know their teachers and, for better or worse, they will know me. And when a sensory issue arises and they over react...I will be there to calm them. It is my job and I do not take it lightly. I will fail and I will make mistakes and I will be human...and if you get in my way, I will bite your head off...but I will love them the best way that I know how and I will try my hardest to do what is in their best interest until my last dying breath. I am is all I can be.

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