Friday, July 8, 2011

Conflicting goals

I have a very, very mild problem. 2 of my goals are in complete conflict with one another. One goal is to be on the computer less, while the other is to blog more. Hmmm....this is a puzzler. I have so many stories I have not told...not that any one cares...but I have seen a lot of stories go with an older generation. And I am talking about REALLY good stories. My family, my grandparents generation in particular, had GREAT stories. They were an adventurous people. I want the stories of my kids to not be lost. I want to tell stories of those who are gone already...the ones who shaped my life. I have written about Grandma, but there are so many more. My aunt was amazing and I had a father and another grandmother and a grandpa and I want to tell their least from my perspective. There are people still living that have influenced me greatly as well...and they probably do not even know how much. One mother's cousin - AMAZING human being. I have such fond memories of the man who bought us new sheets as kids and raced the alarm at the toll gate on the way to Tulsa just to give me and my sister a thrill. When I FINALLY met someone to marry, he and his wife threw me the most amazing shower and then made sure that the reception location was decorated when I had run out of funds. He is always there for his kids, for his extended family, for his friends, for my mom. He is incredible. What if I were hit by a bus tomorrow? All of my stories would be gone and my kids would have less memories to share with their kids of when they were young. My spouse is good, but let's face it...A) I am the one home all day and 2) He is a man and they do not hold on to the precious little details like we do. Anyway, I think I can work on both goals. I will be on the computer less for social networking and blog a little more...I I can...maybe...I will...we will see.

1 comment:

Beth said...

There is a way to type it out and then post it from different places if that would be easier and faster.. Or type it out and copy/paste. You wouldn't have to do it all in one sitting that way. Might even be able to send it to yourself from your phone and take advantage of a few spare minutes of down time while outside watching the monkeys.. :) See I can solve everyone else problems. If only I could come close to solving my own.. :P