Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Blogger ate my happy post

MAN! Yesterday I had a rather extensive happy post and Blogger ate it. :( I will try again.

My son is HAPPY! I know that he is happy, but more than that...HE knows he is happy. This may sound like a no big deal, that's how kids are statement...but that is not how things roll over here. He tends to wired more to the negative. We are working on it...and apparently, it is working! 2 nights ago when we were doing his three good things before bed he said 3 little words that filled my heart to overflowing...words sweeter than, "Love you, Mommy." My son said, "I am happy." Clouds parted, light streamed through and the angels sang. "I am happy."

Yesterday he got to be happy all day too. His very best friend in all the world came over. I love this kid and his mom is a hoot. This kid is good for my kid and very evenly yolked for my son. They are both sensitive kids but all boy and rough and tumble. When M showed up to play, the 2 boys were even dressed nearly identical. It was funny. They immediately tackled each other...but gently. There was craziness abounding...running, yelling, throwing, laughing, wrestling, laughing some more. They were NUTS and it was awesome. My kids do not act crazy enough. Kids are supposed to be a bit nutty and mine tend to be too aware of rules and seriousness. I am not complaining, mind you, but I would actually like to see them get into a little mild trouble. I want them to feel freer and be kids. The boy is around girls too much, so it was nice to see him get to play with another boy his age. Boys are still a bit foreign to me and I struggle with letting them play in a boy way and not twitching. I did pretty well yesterday...and the house survived. It was too hot to send them outside, so I had to ease up on the "don't throw stuff in the house" rule. Boys need to throw things...and it was a Nerf football, after needed to be thrown. The rule is only in place because the boy is REALLY good at throwing things...far and hard. Outside...awesome. Inside...a little scary. Anyway, it was a great play date and since the other mom is about to have boy #3 at the end of the week...she likely enjoyed a little break. I am sad that they are moving to another town soon. It will be very difficult for my son. We will likely sit together and cry because his pain will be very real and I will feel it too. I am hoping that when school starts he will make more friends, but it won't be the same. I would love to see these 2 grow up together and I would love to get to know his mom better. She is a good mom and they eat better than we do. I could learn some things. :) Anyway, we will survive and life will go on...and for today...MY SON IS HAPPY!!


Sarah said...

Yay happy! Like you say, it seems like such a simple thing, but it really ISN'T. Yay happy!

Beth said...

Some times it's the little things that make US so happy!