Friday, April 22, 2011

The butterflies

I have a lot to say today. Mostly because I have a lot to do and I don't want to. :) I did want to update on our nature friends. Wednesday those little guys started popping out like popcorn. I was so sad that the girl was at school. I nearly went and got her, but could not truly justify yanking her out of school to stare at butterflies whom we have yet to actually catch coming out. First the boy had one butterfly. Being first, of course, thrilled him beyond measure. Then the girl had one, then 2 then 3. The boy's enthusiasm faded. Then, we saw movement. I grabbed the video camera and filmed as one of the boy's butterflies struggled to emerge. For over an hour we watched, then the boy got tired and went to take a nap and I fell asleep watching this little guy fight and fight. I knew, by this time, that this was not normal or we would have not been so surprised by the others just suddenly being there. He struggled for a long time, then he would rest and gather his strength. It was painful for me to watch. I wanted so much to help him somehow, but I had no idea how. I imagine I will feel much like this as my children grow into teenagers. I am watching a friend deal with it now. Sometimes changing, growing, emerging is hard work and painful and just something you have to do on your own despite the people who love you who are looking at you struggle and dying to help you. I am not sure what is going to happen to this little guy. I pray that he makes it. It is important to my son. Yesterday I thought the little guy was dead...the butterfly and not my son, of course...but then, this morning, my daughter said, "The paper in A's tree house is shaking really hard." Sure enough...this little guys is at it again. His will to live is very strong and he is not giving up and he is not going down with out a fight. We cheered him on for a while before it was time to take K to school. I keep sneaking in there and giving him a pep talk...letting him know we are rooting for him. It makes me feel better. It is still hard to watch him struggle, but if he makes will amaze me. It would be a neat Easter treat. I will keep you posted. I wish you could see it yourself. You would cheer out loud too. You just can't help it.

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