Wednesday, August 24, 2011

I am hoping I come up with a post title by the end of this post. I have been very busy with new floor installation, rug shopping for new floors, vacation preparation, vacation, back to school and birthday planning. During all of this busy I lost a friend and nearly another. These lovely ladies were classmates of mine growing up. We are not really close these know how it move away, get a family, get caught up in the now of your life...but I do consider them friends. I wish I had done more to make them know this. While on vacation recently, in a place I consider Heaven on Earth, I logged onto Facebook...just for a minute. There was a post that made my hair stand on end. A vivacious woman with so much love in her heart and a smile that could light up an entire state was gone. Further reading broke my heart even more...she was gone by her own hand. I still cannot digest it. It cannot be real. She would never do this...but she did. So loved with so many there for her, yet she could not reach out when things were the darkest. I cannot shake the sad this has left in my heart.
Last night there was a post by another former classmate...a strong, strong woman who takes no guff from the world. She cracks me up. It said, simply, "Just want to die". It stopped my heart. Post after supportive post by friends and former classmates went unanswered. Prayer chains were started and there was much anxiety. Thankfully there was a post this morning stating that the local police had gone to the home to check on her and she is alive. I pray that she gets the help she needs to over come the darkness.
I am not super close to these great ladies, thus, I never saw this coming. Turns out, that no one saw it coming. It is scary and sad and emphasizes the fact that we never really know what anyone is going through behind closed doors. We do not typically share these dark places with others and yet, I KNOW that we all have people who would drop everything and be there for us if we did open up. We all have dark places. If only we could feel freer to share them so that others would not feel so isolated in their darkest times. It reminds me of the early days of motherhood. NO ONE talks bout the despair and overwhelmed feelings that can hit in those early days. It makes you feel alone and like a horrible mother and it isn't until MUCH later that you find out that it is so normal and okay. I wish that we could all open up more and hide less, accept more and judge less. I include myself in this.
Should this day find you reading my blog, please pray for the family and friends of Kristi Beavers-Mays...particularly her children. She was a light in a dark world and I am sad that she felt so alone. Please also pray for Tammi. I have NO idea what she is going through right now, I just know that it is dark and overwhelming and I pray that she does not let it overtake her.
Life is made up of moments. Should you find yourself in a dark place, remember that it is a will pass...hold on tight and give it a chance. REACH OUT and call someone to help you hold on through it. God did not mean for us to be alone in the world. If He had...He would have stopped with Adam.
I am the world's worst at keeping up with people, but I am here. I will make time for any one who needs it, I am just dense and have to have things spelled out for me. LOL!

Love each other and be kind, with them and with yourself. We are all human and thus flawed. Cut yourself some slack and let others be there for you...they want to...they love you. Hug someone, pray for someone, let someone know you care. Have a great Wednesday! Love you!

1 comment:

Sarah said...

(((HUGS))) It's so hard not to blame yourself when things like this happen. Even if you were closer to the folks involved, (and I know you know this all too well,) it doesn't always make a difference. Survivor guilt sucks. I'm not good at reaching out, either. We all do what we can to muddle through this life. Chin up... it's a new day.